Hands-on Learning with Zome Models

Zome Geometry(英語版)

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英文です。しかも265頁の分厚い本です。教育者・研究者向きの本です。各章は、Challenge なる目的から始まり、具体的な作業が1番から順番に示されています。その中に質問が入っています。質問の答えは、巻末にまとまっています。

小・中学校の先生には、ゾム・ツールを使った、アメリカの小・中学校での実際の教案集「レッスン プラン1.0 日本語訳」(無料ダウンロードできます)も参考になると思います。

Welcome to Zome Geometry! We have found the Zome System to be a wonderful tool. With it, we have deepened our understanding of many geometric ideas in two, three, and even four dimensions—especially, but not exclusively, ideas about polyhedra. In this book, we share our favorite activities with students, teachers, and, in fact, any interested reader.

How to Use Zome Geometry

This book can be used in several ways.

  • Zome Geometry activities supplement the secondary curriculum. The prerequisites and the specific curricular connections (from geometry, trigonometry, algebra, and more) are listed in the teacher notes at the beginning of each unit. Some activities preview or introduce the corresponding topics; others are more suited for the review or application of previously studied topics; and many will work both ways.
  • Zome Geometry can serve as the textbook for a mathematics elective course.
  • You can use Zome Geometry as a source of projects for math teams, math clubs, or individual students.
  • Anyone who wants to explore geometry on his or her own can use Zome Geometry as a self-instruction manual. Read the answer only after working on a question, and make use of the teacher notes as you work through the activities.

Introduction より


著: George W. Hart, Henri Picciotto
寸法: 28×21.5cm
内容: 265頁


